Personal Auto Coverage

Personal Auto Coverage

Protect yourself now, and down the road, with the right auto insurance.

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Should you buy your auto policy online or from an insurance agent?

Should you buy your auto policy online or from an insurance agent?

There are pros and cons to both options, of course. Mutual Benefit believes that the “pro” that trumps all is the “pro”fessional advice and advocacy of an experienced agent. We care about your well-being, and we want you to be properly covered. We want you to have someone in your corner when you have insurance questions and need to make smart choices.

Unless you do a lot of research, and truly understand, for example, what could happen if you select stacked or unstacked limits, how can you be certain you’ve chosen the right type and amount of coverage? You may have found a cheaper payment online, but you may also find yourself facing hefty out-of-pocket expenses at claim time if you’ve purchased insufficient coverage.

If you do have a claim, or even just a need to change your policy or get an accurate answer to a question, who better to go to than an agent who knows you and your situation, and is used to working with your insurance provider?

Here’s where you can find the MBG independent insurance agent nearest you.

Here’s where you can learn why an independent insurance agent could be your new best friend.

And here’s where you can learn about what a basic auto policy covers; state coverage requirements; how to choose between minimum or maximum coverage; and how add-ons to your policy protect both your safety on the road and your financial security.

Couple in car with auto coverage
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