Fleet Safety Guidelines

Fleet Safety Guidelines

To help keep your drivers' safe on the road, consider implementing some or all of the following guidelines:
  • Anyone who operates a licensed vehicle owned or controlled by his or her company must maintain a current driver’s license as required by Federal and/or State regulations.
  • Transportation of nonemployee passengers is prohibited. Use of company vehicles by nonemployees is prohibited, unless permission has been given by an authorized official of the company.
  • All drivers are required to inspect their vehicle at the beginning of each work day. Vehicles must be kept clean. Any employee that is in charge of a truck is also responsible for all tools and equipment assigned to that truck.
  • Obey all traffic laws. All fines are the responsibility of the driver. Traffic citations are to be reported to your supervisor in writing.
  • Seat belts will be worn by all occupants at all times.
  • Unattended vehicles shall have the keys removed, brakes set, windows rolled up and doors locked.
  • Consumption of alcohol or nonprescribed drugs, whether occurring before reporting for work or while on the job, is prohibited.
  • If anyone is taking prescribed medication that may affect his or her ability to perform their duties safely, they must notify their supervisor when reporting to work.
  • All incidents involving damage to company property, property of others, and/or personal injury of employee or injury to others must be reported to the safety director or supervisor immediately.
  • Radar equipment will not be permitted in any company vehicle.
  • Extend courtesy to other motorists. The vehicle and you are a rolling advertisement for your company.
  • All drivers are to use good defensive driving techniques while operating company vehicles.
  • All vehicles should be equipped with an appropriate fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
  • Cell phones shall not be used while operating a vehicle.